Operation Compass & Wavell

Published by: Critical Hit. May 1999
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Critical Hit's long awaited SPECIAL EDITION of CH Magazine, the Operation Compass & Wavell's 30,000 issue. How did the 'Desert Rats' of O'Connor's Western Desert Force, consisting of 7th Armoured Division (minus a brigade), a support group of two regiments of Royal Horse Artillery, and two motor battalions, do it? The story is laid before you, from the Italian invasion of Egypt to the dramatic ambush at Beda Fomm in the pages of Critical Hit Magazine's Operation Compass & Wavell's 30,000 SPECIAL EDITION. In one of the most memorable campaigns of World War II the British defeated the Italians in Egypt, Libya and Cyrenaica in the last weeks of 1940 and early 1941. The magazine includes a full historical map and 22 scenarios.

Note: the map edition of the magazine is sold out and out of print. The magazine is available with 19 scenarios
Magazine Cover

Map board(s):

Board: CH: BF

Articles and Resources:

http://www.criticalhit.com/CHscen10.html#anchor42709Reference Material


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CH109: Frontier Raid00 Frontier Post, Libyan-Egyptian Border DTOBritishItalian6.4 hrs100% Italian0%
CH110: Starlight, Starbright03 02:00 hours, Near Fort Maddalena, LibyaDTOBritishItalian2.4 hrs67% British6%
CH111: The Battle of Ghirba00 07:00 hours, Ghirba, LibyaDTOBritishItalian13 hrsUnknown0%
CH112: Frontier Raid II01 5.33Frontier Post, Libyan-Egyptain BorderDTOBritishItalian9.2 hrs100% British2%
CH113: Graziani's Advance01 6.00Coastal Road, east of Sollum, EgyptDTOItalianBritish9.7 hrs100% British2%
CH114: Surprise at Nibeiwa02 07:30 hours, Nibeiwa, EgyptDTOIndian / BritishItalian14.2 hrsBalanced4%
CH115: Tummar West00 13:00 hours, Tummar West Camp, EgyptDTOIndian / BritishItalian12 hrsUnknown0%
CH116: Pride Before Fall00 13:00 hours, Coastal Road, west of Alam el Dab, EgyptDTOItalianBritish7.5 hrsUnknown0%
CH117: The Fall of Sidi Barrani00 16:00 hours, Sidi Barrani, EgyptDTOBritishItalian15.1 hrs100% British0%
CH118: Sidi Omar01 4.0010:00 hours, Sidi Omar, EgyptDTOBritishItalian6.7 hrs100% Italian2%
CH119: Fortress at Bardia I00 05:30 hours, Bardia, LibyaDTOAustralian / BritishItalian14.1 hrs100% Italian0%
CH120: Small Encounters08 8.0007:50 hours, Bardia, LibyaDTOAustralian / BritishItalian9.9 hrs57% Italian15%
CH121: A Test of Nerves02 5.3308:30 hours, Bardia, LibyaDTOItalianAustralian2.7 hrs100% Italian4%
CH122: Fortress at Bardia II00 11:30 hours, Bardia, LibyaDTOAustralianItalian20 hrs100% Italian0%
CH123: The Bardia Waterworks00 16:00 hours, Bardia, LibyaDTOAustralian / BritishItalian5.2 hrsUnknown0%
CH124: The Fall of Tobruk00 14:30 hours, outside of Tobruk, LibyaDTOAustralian/British Italian16.5 hrsUnknown0%
CH125: Down the Throat00 14:30 hours, Tobruk Perimeter, LibyaDTOBritishItalian2.6 hrsUnknown0%
CH126: Metal at Mechili00 07:00 hours, west of the Fort of El Mechili, Libya DTOBritishItalian18.8 hrsBalanced0%
CH127: Stand at Derna00 13:30 hours, Derna, LibyaDTOAustralian / BritishItalian21.7 hrsUnknown0%
Beda Fomm 1: The End of the Line00 14:30 hours, Sidi Saleh, near Beda Fomm, LibyaDTOItalianBritish23.9 hrsUnknown0%
Beda Fomm 2: The Trap Congeals00 07:30 hours, Sidi Saleh, near Beda Fomm, LibyaDTOItalianBritish28.7 hrsUnknown0%
Beda Fomm 3: Death of an Army02 6.5007:30 hours, Sidi Saleh, near Beda Fomm, LibyaDTOItalianBritish29 hrsUnknown4%
Beda Fomm CG 1: Beda Fomm Campaign00 Sidi Saleh, near Beda Fomm, LibyaDTOItalianBritish114.4 hrsUnknown0%

 * Popularity is the sum of Roar and Archive reported playings based as a percentage of the parent publication's total games.

 (Dark) grey rows indicate Night scenarios.

Median length of scenarios: 13hrs

Average rating of scenarios: 5.86

Total playing time: 403.7hrs

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