Infanterie-Division 29, known as the “Falcon” Division, quickly captured southern Smolensk through a coup de main. The following day it turned its attention towards the northern half of the city across the Dnepr River. Stalin ordered Lieutenant General Lukin’s 16th Army to strike south from within the Smolensk pocket to ensure the “hero city” of Smolensk did not fall to the German invaders. Smolensk’s industrial workers, police (NKVD), and government workers quickly organized the first line of defense around large industrial and government buildings to halt any further
German advance into the city.
Attacker: German (Infanterie-Regiment 71, Infanterie-Division 29 and Pionier-Bataillon 29)
Defender: Russian (NKVD militia, Smolensk workers, and 129th Rifle Division)
It was great bloody battle with many Melees resulting half of both OOB eliminated. Germans were able to breakthrough to the farest building, created an outpost there and slowly cleared both building in their rear.
(A) Steve Gibson
David Wiesenhahn
Russian win
Some pesky factory workers stubborn held on to the two front factories, delaying the German advance. Only the miraculous shot by the "Jager squad" that broke three squads in the third factory, combined with concentrated fire from two from two German platoons allowed my Germans to bum rush the last factory and get inside as the game ended. Victory was elusive, and the final push was just a bit too late for a win. Great game, top notch opponent
This scenario is short but has two distinct phases. First the Germans must break the militia line to take the first two buildings and then hurry up to take the third building while Russian reinforcements arrive. The Germans must lose no time against the militia or otherwise there are no turns enough to take the third building.
In my game the squads with the DCs broke every other turn but the FT broke everything with every shot. The militia broke quickly but I was not quick enough to rush the Germans up and the Russian reinforcements covered well the third building for a Russian victory.
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Flames shoot high from burning buildings in the background as German troops enter the city of Smolensk
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