March Madness 2024 The Korean War Pack

Published by: Encircled Productions. October 2024
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The Korean War Pack
MM90 Bamianshan Liye, China, 19 January 1950. The PLA climbs cliffs to surprise the Nationalists during the Chinese Civil War. This scenario is designed for players to learn Korean War era Chinese Communist troops and rules. 8 Turns.

MM91 Flanked Again North of Kongju, South Korea, 12 July 1950. The North Koreans attack the U.S. Army in an early war scenario. This scenario is a good learning scenario for North Koreans and early war U.S. Army. 6.5 Turns.

MM92 People’s Volunteers Onjong-Pukchin Road, North Korea, 25 October 1950. As the ROK 6th Infantry Division presses toward the Yalu, it is ambushed by Chinese forces. A wild dash by the South Koreans to escape the ambush. 6 Turns.

MM93 Tank Action at Chongju East of Chongju, North Korea, 29 October 1950. Australian infantry and U.S. tanks attack the North Koreans in this armored battle outside the North Korean capital. 7 Turns.

MM94 Task Force Combrez South of Chipyong-Ni, South Korea, 15 February 1951. A U.S. combined arms attack to relieve the encircled garrison at Chipyong-Ni. This scenario is a two part scenario evoking the classic scenario “Encircling the Ruhr” (U46). 16 Turns.

MM95 Ghost Killers’ Night Patrol Tonggang-ni, North Korea, 5 April 1952. South Korean Marines attack at night, infiltrating the Chinese line to reconnoiter positions and capture prisoners. 7 Turns.

MM96 Outpost 36 Tongjang-ri, “Honbi Hill,” South Korea, 19/20 September 1952. South Korean Marines defend a fortified position against a Chinese night attack. Dynamic night action were both sides attack and defend. 6 Turns.

MM97 Operation Item Un'gok, Hill 31A, South Korea, 19 March 1953. U.S. Marines attack a Chinese position in this late war, static front game. The Marines have DCs and flamethrowers against the Chinese fortifications. 5.5 Turns.

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This Scenario Pack is available for digital download. Price: $20.00

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MM90: Bamianshan02 9.50Liye, ChinaCCWChinese CommunistsChinese Nationalists 11 hrs100% Chinese Nationalists 22%
MM91: Flanked Again00 Yuldong, South KoreaKWNorth KoreanAmerican4.7 hrsUnknown0%
MM92: People's Volunteers00 Onjong-Pukchin Road, North KoreaKWChineseSouth Korean5.7 hrsUnknown0%
MM93: Tank Action At Chongju00 Chongju, North KoreaKWUnited NationsNorth Korean11.9 hrsUnknown0%
MM94: Task Force Crombez00 South of Chipyong-Ni, South KoreaKWAmericanChinese21.9 hrsUnknown0%
MM95: Ghost Killers Night Patrol02 7.50Tonggang-Ni, KoreaKWSouth KoreanChinese5.6 hrsBalanced22%
MM96: Outpost 3602 9.00Tongjang-Ri, South KoreaKWChineseSouth Korean3.4 hrs100% Chinese22%
MM97: Operation Item00 Un'gok, Hill 31A, South KoreaKWAmerican (USMC)Chinese3.1 hrsUnknown0%

 * Popularity is the sum of Roar and Archive reported playings based as a percentage of the parent publication's total games.

 (Dark) grey rows indicate Night scenarios.

Median length of scenarios: 5.65hrs

Average rating of scenarios: 8.67

Total playing time: 67.3hrs

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