All American I: Kellam’s Bridge (2nd Ed.)

Published by: Critical Hit. September 2012
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Kellam's Bridge is the first of three All American modules developed by Critical Hit. It features the US 82nd Airborne division fighting the German defenders around Kellam's Bridge between June 6th and 9th, 1944.

Critical Hit also published the All American Gamer's Guide which includes additional scenarios and a campaign game for tying together all 3 All American modules.

This 2nd edition includes 12 scenarios printed on cardstock.
8 pages of historical background
22"x34" map

Map board(s):

Board: CH: AA: KB

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KB II 1: The Milling Crowd00 La Fiere, NormandyWTOAmericanGerman4.2 hrsBalanced0%
KB II 2: Ambush at Cauquigny00 Cauquigny, NormandyWTOAmericanGerman3.2 hrsBalanced0%
KB II 3: To the Manor Drawn 019 La Fiere, NormandyWTOGermanAmerican4 hrs68% German18%
KB II 4: No Better Place to Die...00 La Fiere, NormandyWTOGermanAmerican3.1 hrs67% German0%
KB II 5: Cloaks of Confusion00 Near Cauquigny, NormandyWTOAmericanGerman8.5 hrs57% German0%
KB II 6: Go! Go! Go!00 La Fiere, NormandyWTOAmericanGerman3 hrs57% American0%
KB II 7: Easy Over00 La Fiere, NormandyWTOAmericanGerman3.1 hrs73% American0%
KB II 8: Charge the Causeway00 La Fiere Manor, NormandyWTOAmericanGerman9.8 hrs67% German0%
KB II 9: VII Corps Bridgehead00 Around Cauquigny, NormandyWTOGermanAmerican4.4 hrs78% American0%
KB II 10: Go To Town05 West of Cauquigny, NormandyWTOGermanAmerican5.2 hrs80% American5%
KB II 11: North to Timmes00 Cauquigny, NormandyWTOAmericanGerman5.3 hrsUnknown0%
KB II 12: All American00 Amfreville, NormandyWTOGermanAmerican11.5 hrsUnknown0%

 * Popularity is the sum of Roar and Archive reported playings based as a percentage of the parent publication's total games.

 (Dark) grey rows indicate Night scenarios.

Median length of scenarios: 4.3hrs

Average rating of scenarios: n/a

Total playing time: 65.3hrs

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