Tarawa: Bloody Buariki

Published by: Critical Hit. June 2018
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Buariki map is presented, plus as a special bonus - ALL THE COMBAT COUNTERS NEEDED TO PLAY from the Tarawa collection. Three sheets of counters and the large Buariki map (it uses standard size hexes). A set of scenarios and special rules plus a color folio.

Color Folio
Battle Walkaround
7 Scenarios
15 18.5” x 12.5” maps
2 countersheets totaling 264 counters

Map board(s):

Board: Buariki

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BUARIKI#1: First Contact00 Buariki Island, Tarawa AtollPTOAmerican (USMC)Japanese2.7 hrsUnknown0%
BUARIKI#2: Full of Fight00 Buariki Island, Tarawa AtollPTOAmerican (USMC)Japanese4.3 hrsUnknown0%
BUARIKI#3: Company F's Turn00 Buariki Island, Tarawa AtollPTOAmerican (USMC)Japanese6.2 hrsUnknown0%
BUARIKI#4: Company G's Turn00 Buariki Island, Tarawa AtollPTOAmerican (USMC)Japanese3.6 hrsUnknown0%
BUARIKI#5: Julian's Peak00 Buariki Island, Tarawa AtollPTOAmerican (USMC)Japanese7.3 hrsUnknown0%
BUARIKI#6: A Warrior's Creed00 Buariki Island, Tarawa AtollPTOAmerican (USMC)Japanese40.4 hrs100% Japanese0%
BUARIKI#7: On To Naa00 Buariki Island, Tarawa AtollPTOAmerican (USMC)Japanese1.4 hrsUnknown0%

 * Popularity is the sum of Roar and Archive reported playings based as a percentage of the parent publication's total games.

 (Dark) grey rows indicate Night scenarios.

Median length of scenarios: 4.3hrs

Average rating of scenarios: n/a

Total playing time: 65.9hrs

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